MARCH 30, 2023
This bill prohibits the President from declaring a moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing unless Congress authorizes the moratorium. Direct the National Petroleum Council to publish a report. Any federal or state executive actions that have contributed to a decline in refining capacities, and (4) any recommendations to increase such capacities.In addition, this section also requires the President to obtain the approval of Congress before revoking a permit issued under executive orders for constructing, connecting, operating, or maintaining an oil or natural gas pipeline, an electric transmission facility, or a border-crossing facility.
This section also requires the regulations to facilitate flexible, market-responsive operations (as described in the final rule) with respect to critical energy resource facilities.
If the EPA determines that the processing or refining of a critical energy resource at a critical energy resource facility is necessary to meet U.S. security or energy security needs, then the EPA may issue a temporary waiver of any requirement under the Clean Air Act or the Solid Waste Disposal Act with respect to the facility to meet such needs. Further, the EPA may issue such waiver with or without notice, hearing, or other report.
BILL – Passed the House
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BILL H.R.8998
MAY 16, 2024
ENVIRONMENT H.R.8998 – Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.
The bill provides appropriations to Interior for the Bureau of Land Management,the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Indian Education, the Bureau of Trust Funds Administration, Departmental Offices, and Department-Wide Programs.
BILL – Passed house
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Voting records are sortable by KEYWORD. For example, to see the voting records for your state Representatives and Senators, type the 2 letter abbreviation for your state in the search box. (Arizona: AZ)
BILL H.R.8752
NOVEMBER 1, 2023
ENVIRONMENT – Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024
This bill provides FY2024 appropriations for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers civil works projects including: flood damage reduction projects, maintenance, and care of existing river and harbor, energy efficiency and renewable energy activities, cybersecurity, energy security, and emergency response activities, expenses necessary for nuclear energy activities, fossil energy and carbon management research, fossil energy and carbon management research, and other projects.
BILL – Passed the House
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Voting records are sortable by KEYWORD. For example, to see the voting records for your state Representatives and Senators, type the 2 letter abbreviation for your state in the search box. (Arizona: AZ)
BILL H.R.3684
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Among other provisions, this bill provides new funding for infrastructure projects, including for
- public transit;
- water infrastructure;
- power and grid reliability and resiliency;
- resiliency, including funding for coastal resiliency, ecosystem restoration, and weatherization;
- clean school buses and ferries;
- electric vehicle charging;
- addressing legacy pollution by cleaning up Brownfield and Superfund sites and reclaiming abandoned mines; and
- Western Water Infrastructure.
BILL: Passed Both Houses and is law
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Voting records are sortable by KEYWORD. For example, to see the voting records for your state Representatives and Senators, type the 2 letter abbreviation for your state in the search box. (Arizona: AZ)
BILL H.R.2773
JANUARY 19, 2022
Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2022
This bill provides funding for the conservation or restoration of wildlife and plant species of greatest conservation need, including endangered or threatened species, and establishes related requirements.
BILL: Passed the House
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Voting records are sortable by KEYWORD. For example, to see the voting records for your state Representatives and Senators, type the 2 letter abbreviation for your state in the search box. (Arizona: AZ)