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United States Senate: The Environment


No bills were introduced or passed to support the Environment in 2024.


BILL S.914

APRIL 29, 2021


Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021

This bill reauthorizes through FY2026 or establishes a variety of programs for water infrastructure. Specifically, it supports programs to provide safe drinking water or treat wastewater, such as sewer overflows or stormwater. For example, the bill reauthorizes and revises the clean water state revolving fund (SRF) and the drinking water SRF.

BILL: Passed Senate

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BILL H.R.3684

NOVEMBER 15, 2021


Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Among other provisions, this bill provides new funding for infrastructure projects, including for

  • public transit;
  • water infrastructure;
  • power and grid reliability and resiliency;
  • resiliency, including funding for coastal resiliency, ecosystem restoration, and weatherization;
  • clean school buses and ferries;
  • electric vehicle charging;
  • addressing legacy pollution by cleaning up Brownfield and Superfund sites and reclaiming abandoned mines; and
  • Western Water Infrastructure.

BILL: Passed Both Houses and is law

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Voting records are sortable by KEYWORD. For example, to see the voting records for your state Representatives and Senators, type the 2 letter abbreviation for your state in the search box. (Arizona: AZ)