No bills were introduced or passed to Reduce Healthcare Costs in 2024.
BILL H.R.3684
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Among other provisions, this bill provides new funding for infrastructure projects, including for
- roads, bridges, and major projects;
- passenger and freight rail;
- highway and pedestrian safety;
- public transit;
- broadband;
- ports and waterways;
- airports;
- water infrastructure;
- power and grid reliability and resiliency;
- resiliency, including funding for coastal resiliency, ecosystem restoration, and weatherization;
- clean school buses and ferries;
- electric vehicle charging;
- addressing legacy pollution by cleaning up Brownfield and Superfund sites and reclaiming abandoned mines; and
- Western Water Infrastructure.
BILL: Passed Both Houses and is law
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Voting records are sortable by KEYWORD. For example, to see the voting records for your state Representatives and Senators, type the 2 letter abbreviation for your state in the search box. (Arizona: AZ)
BILL H.R.4346
AUGUST 9, 2022
JOB TRAINING – CHIPS and Science Act
The act establishes and provides funding for the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) for America International Technology Security and Innovation Fund to (1) provide for international information and communications technology security and semiconductor supply chain activities, including to support the development and adoption of secure and trusted telecommunications technologies, secure semiconductors, secure semiconductors supply chains, and other emerging technologies; and (2) carry out the Multilateral Semiconductors Security Fund and the Multilateral Telecommunications Security Fund.
BILL: Passed Both Houses and is law
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Voting records are sortable by KEYWORD. For example, to see the voting records for your state Representatives and Senators, type the 2 letter abbreviation for your state in the search box. (Arizona: AZ)