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United States Senate: Women's Reproductive rights


BILL S.4381

JUNE 5, 2024


WOMENS HEALTH – Right to Contraception Act

To protect an individual’s ability to make decisions about their body, medical care, family, and life’s course, and thereby protect the individual’s ability to participate equally in the economic and social life of the United States. To have the ability to access contraceptives and to engage in contraception and to protect a health care provider’s ability to provide contraceptives, contraception, and information related to contraception.

BILL: Introduced in Senate, so far.

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BILL H.R.4445

SEPTEMBER 17, 2024


Right to IVF Act

This bill provides a statutory right to access fertility treatments (e.g., in vitro fertilization).

Specifically, under the bill, individuals have the right to access fertility treatments and to make decisions about the use of their reproductive genetic material (e.g., embryos) without limitation or interference. Health care providers and insurers have the right to provide and cover these services, respectively. Manufacturers of applicable drugs or devices also have the right to provide these drugs or devices.

The bill supersedes state laws that limit or otherwise interfere with the provision of fertility treatments as set out under this bill, including laws that require medically unnecessary procedures or services in conjunction with fertility treatments or that restrict the ability of individuals to receive fertility treatments based on marital status or sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity). The bill does not affect state health and safety regulations for medical facilities or health care providers that are in accordance with widely accepted and evidence-based medical standards and for which the purpose cannot be achieved in another, nonrestrictive manner.

BILL: Passed Both House and is law

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Voting records are sortable by KEYWORD. For example, to see the voting records for your state Representatives and Senators, type the 2 letter abbreviation for your state in the search box. (Arizona: AZ)


BILL H.R.3755

AUGUST 24, 2021


Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021

This bill prohibits governmental restrictions on the provision of, and access to, abortion services.

Specifically, governments may not limit a provider’s ability to

  • prescribe certain drugs,
  • offer abortion services via telemedicine, or
  • immediately provide abortion services when the provider determines a delay risks the patient’s health.

Furthermore, governments may not require a provider to

  • perform unnecessary medical procedures,
  • provide medically inaccurate information,
  • comply with credentialing or other conditions that do not apply to providers whose services are medically comparable to abortions, or
  • carry out all services connected to an abortion.

BILL: Passed the House

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Voting records are sortable by KEYWORD. For example, to see the voting records for your state Representatives and Senators, type the 2 letter abbreviation for your state in the search box. (Arizona: AZ)